Submitted by Name: Allen Hathaway From: Manassas, VA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Future reunions: Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids, MI. September 5-9, 2018
Westgate Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV. August 21-25, 2019
Added: September 26, 2017
Submitted by Name: Larry Burwick From: Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: Will someone who knows where the 2019 reunion will be, please post it on the member's bulletin board. Thanks.
Added: September 25, 2017
Submitted by Name: Allen Hathaway From: Manassas, VA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Photos of the 2017 reunion in Orlando, Florida have been posted on our Facebook page.
Despite hurricane Irma, 500-600 weathered the hurricane and met with their friends at the 32nd Annual Reunion. Nothing was going to stop them from meeting again!
For those who cancelled, please see the refund information on our website at: --> Reunion Information -- 2017 Orlando Refunds.
Added: September 22, 2017
Submitted by Name: Ed miller From: Cambria n.y. E-mail: Contact
Comments: My flights were also cancelled to the reunion.finally physically able to go and a "slight monsoon" messed up my trip! I'm sure one of our choppers would haven't had a problem...Will try next year.allons all..
Added: September 21, 2017
Submitted by Name: Mike Steffen From: Omaha, NE E-mail: Contact
Comments: I hope all of you who stayed for the Reunion survived with few problems and have made it home safely by now. How about an update from someone for those of us who were not able to attend the Reunion? Am looking forward to Grand Rapids next year with no "drama". Where is the 2019 Reunion going to be held? Mike
Added: September 12, 2017
Submitted by Name: Michael March From: Atlanta E-mail: Contact
Comments: I've tried to call Stephen Page's number about the Saturday dinner cancellations but it just keeps ringing. I canceled the hotel reservations on Wednesday. Totally bummed not to go.
Added: September 8, 2017
Submitted by Name: Frank Whitten From: North Carolina E-mail: Contact
Comments: Allen, thanks for the updates. I hope the best for all of you. For us it wasn't a matter of getting down there it was the uncertainty of getting out. 75MPH by Sunday is nothing to not be concerned about. I hope everything goes well. Give my luck to everyone. Allons, Frank
Added: September 7, 2017
Submitted by Name: Frank Whitten From: North Carolina E-mail: Contact
Comments: We are also canceling our trip to Florida. It is because of Hurricane Irma. The Governor of Florida has just issued a state of emergency. We were taking the train down, which would have been no problem, but we are afraid of getting stranded down there. I can't justify going down and having my wife worry and not having anything to do but sit in the hotel during the storm and the likely flooding to follow. Those of you still attending I wish well and hope this misses. Your brother, Frank Whitten
Added: September 4, 2017
Submitted by Name: Hilmon E I Waldron From: GA E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have to cancel my trip to this years reunion for medical reasons , and it is close to me but i only go to the doctor when needed , i will surely miss the fellow ship and all the fun . Your Brother Forever Hilmon E.I. Waldron Mco 3rd 11th Acr Viet-Nam 1967-1968 ALLONS
Added: September 4, 2017
Submitted by Name: Frank Whitten From: North Carolins E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Phil, I was there with you on May 13 with 2nd Platoon C Troop. Hell of a day. We lost quite a few people in 2nd Platoon a week later when one of our dismounted ambush patrols was overrun. Take care brother. Frank
Name: Allen Hathaway
From: Manassas, VA
E-mail: Contact
Future reunions:
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids, MI. September 5-9, 2018
Westgate Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV. August 21-25, 2019