11th Cav Members Bulletin Board

Wishing all troopers a prosperous and happy New Year.
May God bless all of you with peace and harmony.
Alpha Troopers 68-69-70-71, my best wishes for the New Year.

A-13 :D

Added: December 30, 2011
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James Hill (Animal) Services

James was an organ donor and the harvest team finished yesterday.

His services will be on Jan 6th at 2:00 PM at the Fort Gibson National Cemetery in Ft Gibson, OK.

If anyone wants to send flowers you can have them sent to the cemetery on that day in care of his name..

If you want to send a card or flowers to the family send them to his daughter Jennifier Goodwin, 601 S Vista, Lot 263, Edmond OK, 73034


Added: December 30, 2011
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Admin reply: I just talked to Jerome Loston, I am convinced that he served with the 11th cav in nam.

He was seriously wounded in Vietnam on January 9th 1969.

It was his first day on patrol in country (Newbee) , He was an e-2 when his track a 113 was hit by 3 rpg's.

He is going to contact Allen Hathaway to see about joining us.

Welcome home Jerome

Otis Carey

Added: December 30, 2011
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Admin reply:

January 29, 2012

This is a Call to Arms from Vietnam Veteran Jerome Loston

RE: January 9, 1969 and what is happening on January 9, 2012

On January 9 2012 my home is scheduled to go on the auction block. I am a 63 year-old Vietnam Veteran rendered totally disabled as a result of injuries sustained during active duty in Vietnam on January 9th 1969. Following the attack, I laid in a coma for six months. My parents were told that I was dead. I was told I would lose my legs. Against the odds I survived the injuries I sustained in Vietnam. On January 4th I will find myself again in the trenches, but this time against Wells Fargo Bank. I need your help and This is a Call to Arms!

I am not alone in my struggles with Wells Fargo Bank. I am only one of millions who have fallen victim to the banks’ criminal practices in their dealings with homeowners. I ask that you stand with me and show the banks that we are an “Army of One” and ask that they put an end to their criminal dealings now!

Please call me at (925) 838-8442. I am in the process of mobilizing efforts in order to secure a modification from Wells Fargo Bank so my family can stay in our home. I am a victim of World Savings’ “Pick-a-Pay” loan and the World Savings/Wachovia/Wells Fargo merger. You can get more information about the atrocities committed by World Savings here:

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/02/13/60minutes/main4801309. shtml

We have heard the stories of how banks have not been fair in their dealings with our Veterans and Servicemembers:

http://grabashovel.com/2011/11/20/unlawfully-foreclose d--get-justice/

It’s time that we stand as an “Army of One” and demand that the banks stop abusing our citizens, Veterans and our Servicemembers. We need to let the banks know that the buck stops here. I am asking that you stand with me as we fight to get a modification so we can keep our home. We have designated Wednesday, January 4th as our “Day of Action” against Wells Fargo Bank.

We will be meeting at WELLS FARGO BANK HEADQUARTERS (1901 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612) to speak with Jim Foley, Regional President for Northern California at 3:00 pm.

If you cannot make it on Wednesday, January 4th at 3pm, we encourage you to contact Jim Foley at (510) 446-5194 or jim.w.foley@wellsfargo.com. Remind Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley how the Veterans and Servicemembers have bravely served our country without hesitation. Tell him that Wells Fargo can do a better job of keeping our Veterans and Servicemembers in their homes. Let Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley know that you are standing in solidarity with Jerome and Linda Loston and ask that Wells Fargo Bank modify the Loston’s “Pick-a-Pay” loan. If you really want to make a difference, tell Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley that you are going to divest your money from Wells Fargo Bank unless they do the right thing. Let him know that you are part of the “Army of One.”

Best Regards.

Yours in Solidarity. . .

Jerome Loston

If you (or someone you know) are also facing foreclosure or having problems getting lenders to assist you with a modification contact Occupy Our Homes at www.OccupyOurHomes.org and Home Defenders League at 510-269-4692 ext. 502 for assistance.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
Linda L <lindaloston@gmail.com>

Added: December 30, 2011
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James Hill 919 Engr Co 1/70-12/70

Sorry I left that off.

Added: December 28, 2011
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James is in the VA Hospital in Oklahoma City. He was having trouble breathing last week so his daughter took him to the Hospital. He had stopped breathing for about 20 min and slipped into a coma and had to be put on life support. Since then he has has two cardiac arrest and has been delclared brain dead. She is there now making the decision to pull the plug. She will call me later and update me...

They plan on having him cremated and burried at the Ft Gibson National Cemetery here near Muskogee. I'll keep you posted. I will be at the burial no plans have been made yet. If anyone needs to talk to me my number is 918-441-0412.

Added: December 28, 2011
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It`s been a very long time but I hope to be re united with some of my old Troopers in 2012 at the Reunion.
Hope you will be there ! :)

Added: December 27, 2011
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Peter M. Echon

Peter Michael Echon, 62, of Arnold, passed away Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, O'Hara Township. He was born Oct. 7, 1949, in New Kensington, the son of the late George and Dorothy (Robinson) Echon. Peter graduated from Arnold High School. He proudly served with the Army Blackhorse 11th Armored Cavalry during Vietnam. He is survived by his companion, Rebecca Greiner; his sister, Geraldine A. (Echon) Holycross (Ronald) and her children; his stepchildren and grandchildren, Bonnie, Bruce and Rory Baker, Beth, David, Alison, Andrew and Kristen Ostrosky, Brenda, Glenn, Tyler, Armani, Glenn III and Amber Cowen, Susette Mallonee and Jaclyn and Rich Johnson, Michelle, Russ and Christian Long, Mark and Karen Mallonee; and several cousins. A memorial service and military honors will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 221 Ridge Ave., New Kensington. Interment was private at the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies, Cecil Township. Funeral arrangements were handled by the PAUL R. AJAK FUNERAL HOME, Creighton. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to 11ACVVC Scholarship Fund, c/o Ollie Pickral, treasurer, 571 Ditchley Road, Kilmarnock, VA 22482.

Read more: Valley News Dispatch - Obituaries - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/valleynewsdispatch/obituaries/#ixzz1hffuqDI f

Added: December 26, 2011
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Just signed on to this site and was reading the emails. Wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday. I was attached to your unit working with ASA in the 409th RRD. I don't know if anyone saw it, but my track was called "The Outcasts" for various reasons. Take care, Randy.

Added: December 25, 2011
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:!cry: Another Great Trooper who will be missed.A sad day for all.

Added: December 23, 2011
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