Submitted by Name: George Alan Reischling From: Rutledge E-mail: Contact
Comments: Welcome home Brothers and Sisters! You are part of a proud legacy. I served with the 25th Infantry Division out of Tay Ninh in 69-70. The second part of my tour I worked with combat stresses as part of the was the 93rd Evacuation Hospital psychiatric detachment at Long Binh. Wrote my memoirs and they are free to read on Amazon Prime. 900 plus five star reviews. We did our job well and won our war in Vietnam and if Washington lost their war then it's their own damn fault! Your selfless service and sacrifice saved many lives! Glad that you made it home and May God Bless!
Added: March 28, 2025
Submitted by Name: George McTaggart From: St Louis, Mo E-mail: Contact
Comments: Anyone from L Troop 3/11 ACR remember a SP4 Melvin "Mel" Willsey? He was in RVN from August 1969 - 1970. There for the Cambodian Incursion as well. Infantryman assigned to M113 L-37 "Lord Shillelalie" and recieved an ARCOM.
He passed away back in August and I acquired his lighter and 11ACVVC jacket. Would be interested in any stories or photos of him in Vietnam. Also, if there's any story about the lighter such as being a unit gift.
Added: January 1, 2025
Submitted by Name: Roy Lutes From: Applegate, Oregon E-mail: Contact
Comments: Anivil Troop 1/11 ACR 1992-1993 spoiled me. Did not realize at the time how much I loved it
Added: December 29, 2024
Submitted by Name: Robert Yott From: Bath, New York E-mail: Contact
Comments: Greetings, I am working on a project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. I am writing brief bios on the 31 men from Steuben County, New York who never returned home; one of which is PFC Smith...KIA 01/11/1968
I was hoping someone on this page might have remembered him and be willing to share their memories of him. He was only in-country three months.
I'm hoping to preserve these memories for future generations so they will know these men all had dreams and ambitions which were never realized.
Thank you in advance and more importantly Welcome Home! Robert Yott 607-377-7689
Added: August 6, 2024
Submitted by Name: Joe Kipper From: North Vernon Ind. E-mail: Contact
Comments: On this Day July9,1968 C Troop lost Two of its Best, Charles Cook Jr. and Hugo Castaneda, Always in our thoughts and Prayters
Added: July 9, 2024
Submitted by Name: Joe Kipper From: North Vernon Ind. E-mail: Contact
Comments: On July 6 1969 C Troop Lost one of there Best. Kurtis A. Berry, Always in Our Thoughts and Prayers 2
Added: July 9, 2024
Submitted by Name: Ggerald (Gary) Duggins From: Steilacoom, Washington E-mail: Contact
Comments: Is there anyone left out there from H Company 1969, I don't see anyone mentioned in Thunder Run or on this website.
Added: February 19, 2024
Submitted by Name: Michael Hill From: Saint Augustine, FL E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am interested in contacting Donald Howell to discuss any photos he may have taken of SGT Leo Hartsuff. and t
Added: February 11, 2024
Submitted by Name: Michael Hill From: Saint Augustine, Florida E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am attempting to locate anyone who knew SGT Leo Hartsuff who was a flame thrower Commander with the 11th Cav until he was KIA 7 SEP 1969.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Added: February 10, 2024
Submitted by Name: Ron Krueger From: Davis, CA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Reposting:Name: Ron Krueger From: Davis, CA E-mail: Contact Comments: Tom and Terri Morrison will be hosting a Blackhorse mini reunion March 23,2024, 1-5pm in Glendale, Arizona. We plan to order pizza for lunch. BYOB. Location will be determined by the number of attendees expected. RSVP: or 530-304-4249
Name: George Alan Reischling
From: Rutledge
E-mail: Contact
Welcome home Brothers and Sisters! You are part of a proud legacy. I served with the 25th Infantry Division out of Tay Ninh in 69-70. The second part of my tour I worked with combat stresses as part of the was the 93rd Evacuation Hospital psychiatric detachment at Long Binh. Wrote my memoirs and they are free to read on Amazon Prime. 900 plus five star reviews. We did our job well and won our war in Vietnam and if Washington lost their war then it's their own damn fault! Your selfless service and sacrifice saved many lives! Glad that you made it home and May God Bless!