919th Engineers Guest Book

Does anyone have an updated email to send the pictures for this site--Pete Echon's comcast email is outdated. thanks

Added: November 13, 2014
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My father Richard "Hoppy" Hopkins passed away on 10/24/14 of cancer. He was the unit armorer and Cpt Riley's driver from July 1968 to July 1969. I added some selected pictures to the photo album.

Added: November 13, 2014
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My dad Richard "Hoppy" Hopkins was in the 919th in 1968-1969. I believe he was in HQ's platoon. He is in hospice care for cancer and I am hoping to share one more Veteran's Day with him. I will send some pictures when I can get some of the other GI's names that are with him.

Added: October 11, 2014
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I have 4 books of old snapshots to scan. Most taken
around Di An, 70-71.

Added: October 5, 2014
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I was with the the first plane load to Viet Nam in August of 1966. I also was Capt Crockers driver until July 3,1967 when I returned home. I will be at the reunion this year, hope to see some old faces. :) :)

Added: June 24, 2014
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:!devil: andy there; another year another reunion got a room will share or share yours call 423-303-8302 email adaresta@gmail.com or facebook andrew daresta :!devil:

Added: June 19, 2014
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Just wanted everyone to know that Charlie Pinks is in the hospital I Indianapolis. He had bypass surgery on Tuesday and has now suffered two Strokes. His wife Carol said he is not doing very well and asked us to pray for him.
Charlie was in country 67 & 68.

Added: June 12, 2014
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A great all around unit! My tour was 1968-1969 11th ACR.

Added: February 6, 2014
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I'm doing research on the Combat Engineer Vehicles (CEV) used by the 919th. I'm looking for pictures and information about these vehicles (for example names; I know there were: Mod Squad, Hunk, Stubby and Peace Talk, but maybe there were more?).

Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,

Added: January 8, 2014
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Hello everyone I hope you all had a great Christmas. I am on here hoping someone can help me or point me in right direction. I am trying to put a scrapbook together for my dad Walter Wasik who belonged to the 919th during 66-67 His Capt. was Crocker and he said his squad leader was SSG Rucker. My dad has been in VA hospital for the last year and had to get half his leg amputated so I figured I would do something nice for him. I am looking for pictures from 66-67 of the 919th or anything from while he was there. Anything would be a great help. I thank you all for your service and look forward in hearing from someone soon. If you need any information feel free to ask me on my email

Added: December 29, 2013
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